After turning your side business idea into a reality, you’re feeling pumped and ready to sell your online health and wellness products.

Now, if only you could get your messaging down. Great sales emails? Live chat marketing? They’re must-haves for an online creator but getting them just right . . . that’s an undertaking.

One that we hope to make a lot easier today with our 10 email and live chat templates.

So if you’re in the market to sell health and wellness programs and itching for an easy button to streamline your messaging, then this article is for you.

Of course, before we dive into the templates, we have to get a few things straight, starting with what makes a sales email shine -- or fall flatter than a pancake without baking powder.

What’s included in a good sales email?

There are three main elements to include in a good sales email, the first of which is a solid email subject line.

Why are subject lines so important?

They make or break your open rate. If your emails aren’t getting opened, your offers aren’t likely to be taken, either.

As far as the impact on your open rate, we’re talking a chunky 35% of your recipients will open your email based on the subject line alone. 

To write an open-worthy subject line, shoot for 6-10 words, a tactic that’s known to optimize your open rate.

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

Another tip for writing a good subject line is to personalize your subject line, which will boost your open rate by as much as 50%.

Once you get your recipients to open your email, the next important component to include in your sales email is a thought-provoking question within the body of your email.


It gets them to think about their health and wellness problem as it relates to your offer.

This is hugely important when your audience considers purchasing a product to solve their problem.

Plus, on a psychological level, you tap into the Zeigarnik effect by asking an intriguing question, which is when someone remembers something more clearly because it’s unfinished or incomplete.

Take this sales email I received from copywriting queen and founder of Copyhackers, Joanna Wiebe, for instance. In a sales email with the subject “last day to join,” Joanna asks several thought-provoking questions throughout.  

Here are three of Joanna’s questions summarized:

  • If you know you’re gonna have to [recipient’s problem], why wouldn’t you choose to do it faster and with more confidence using [her offer]?

  • If you know your [recipient’s problem], why wouldn’t you choose to lean on the systems, processes, and templates inside [her offer]?

  • If you know you’re currently [recipient’s problem], then wouldn’t you at least reference [details within her offer]?

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

All of which makes the reader think about their specific problem and how Joanna’s Copy School solves it for them.

Finally, the third component to include in your sales email is a call-to-action (CTA). 

It goes without saying that you always want to direct your readers to do something after opening your email (a.k.a. click on your CTA), whether that’s clicking a link to a resource you sent or heading over to your sales page to purchase your product.

CTAs are especially important in your sales emails. So much so that emails with just a single CTA have been known to increase clicks by 371% and sales by a staggering 1617%.

Check out how Redeem, a wellness brand, includes a main CTA to “Accept the 12-day identity declaration” in a welcome email I received after signing up for their blog. 

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

Immediately after joining their community, subscribers are encouraged to take action and start accessing benefits and results that Redeem has to offer.

It’s clear, to the point, and the offer is ready for the taking -- it’s hard to do a CTA better than that.

But OK. That covers the guts of a good sales email. Now, let’s clarify the contents of a good live chat script.

What makes a good live chat message?

There are a few things that make up a good live chat script, the first -- and likely most important -- being personalization. 

Personalization is such a big deal that 77% of consumers choose, recommend, or pay more for a brand that provides a personalized experience.

What’s more, 90% of leading marketers claim that personalization contributes to their business’s profitability in a significant way.

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

To personalize your chatbox message, the easiest and most likely obvious solution is to simply address your visitor by their first name -- once you have it, of course.

Check out how PPC management agency, KlientBoost, addresses “Podia” in their live chat prompt when landing on their site.

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

Another way to personalize your visitor’s experience is to make your message content relevant to the page your audience is visiting. 

For instance, if someone lands on your homepage, that message should be different from, say, your pricing page.

Not only is the page they’re visiting important for differentiating your live chat message, but how frequently they visit your site matters, too. 

In other words, a live chat message sent to a returning visitor should be different than a message you send to a first-time visitor.

A great example of taking both page specificity and frequency into consideration is Drift, which presented a “Hey back again to see pricing? What’s stopping you from getting started?” chat prompt when I returned to their site and visited their pricing page.

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

In comparison to the “Hey there! You’re back. Are you ready to get started with Drift?” chat message that I received after returning to their homepage.

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

Finally, just as you would in customer service live chat templates, including your brand’s voice in live chat sales scripts is equally as important.

These days, a staggering 86% of consumers prefer to interact with a human agent over a chatbot, so it’s vital to show off your brand’s unique voice in your chat messages.

Even if you’re setting up your live chat prompts to auto-populate as visitors land on your site, you can still add a human touch by featuring your brand’s individual personality.

After all, regardless of what consumers prefer, an anticipated 85% of customer interactions will be handled without human agents by 2021.

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

Now that you’re armed with what to include in your emails and live chats, let’s check out these 10 templates to help you boost your sales. 

But first, a brief caveat: It’s worth noting that while these templates serve as a good foundation, testing pieces of your sales emails and live chat scripts is the only surefire way to know what works best with your brand’s audience.

So, use these templates as a baseline and spruce them up with your own brand voice, CTAs, thought-provoking questions, subject lines, et cetera. One-size-fits-all doesn’t work in a lot of situations, but especially in business.

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10 email and live chat templates to sell more health and wellness products

Type #1. Congratulate and encourage your visitor

The first type of template is one that congratulates your audience member for taking action and landing on your site. It’s a way to get them excited and to leverage the momentum from connecting with your brand.

Here’s the email template version:

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

And for the live chat script, you can use:

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

Type #2. Offer value and resources

The second template type is a message that offers value and resources. It provides you a way to show off your expertise as a health and wellness brand while genuinely helping your audience solve their big problem. 

This sales email template may read:

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

The live chat version could look like:

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

Type #3. Show social proof

Another effective way to correspond with your audience is by leveraging the power of testimonials and social proof. This is where you feature a successful use case and illustrate to your audience what’s possible for them.

Here’s a sales email template that features a testimonial:

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

And a live chat script with social proof might read:

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

Type #4. Relate to a current event

The fourth type of sales email template and live chat script is one that’s based on current events, which makes your message timely and relevant to your recipients. It’s yet another way to boost the personalization in your message content.

An email template to use is:

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

For the live chat version, try using:

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

Type #5. Speak to their goal

Our final type of template today is one that highlights your audience’s health and wellness goal, which lets your recipient know you’re not only aware of their desired outcome, but that you can also help them attain it.

An email template highlighting your audience’s goal may look like:

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

The live chat script version could go something like:

10 email and live chat templates for selling wellness products

Try these trusty templates to triumph in sales transactions

Communicating the right messaging to your prospective clients doesn’t have to be a mystery, especially with the right templates to use as a foundation.

Here’s a recap:

  • A good sales email includes three main parts, which are an open-worthy subject line, thought-provoking question, and enticing CTA.

  • A good live chat message prioritizes personalization by using your visitor’s name, considering their actions, being relevant, and chatting with your brand’s unique voice.

  • There are five types of sales email templates and live chat scripts to incorporate into your messaging.

  • #1. Congratulate your visitor and give kudos to them for taking action.

  • #2. Offer helpful resources to help your audience overcome their problem.

  • #3. Show off how your offer works by featuring testimonials and social proof.

  • #4. Be relevant to your user’s world and reference a current event.

  • #5. Address your audience’s goal and show them how you can help them reach it.

Ready to take these templates and converse your way to some sales? Great, you got this! And remember, if you ever need any help using live chat or email marketing on Podia, our support team is only a message away.

Get your free 30-day trial of Podia today to get started.