You just want someone to cut through the fluff and get down to it:

Which platform is best for you?

We won’t lie. We’re probably pretty biased about this one, but here are five reasons that 17,000+ other creators chose Podia, and why you should, too.

#1. Personal support from real people, any day of the week

Customer support tickets were supposed to make customer service better, faster, and more efficient.

They didn’t.

That’s why we don’t use them on Podia. When you open up that chat window at the bottom of your screen, you aren’t funneled into an automated system.

Why choose Podia?

You connect with a real person -- someone that’s there’s to share your triumphs, support your success, and lend a helping hand at every step of your journey.

The start of that first conversation is more than just a quick task to strike off your to-do list, too. It’s the beginning of a relationship with one of our dedicated support staff or marketing members.

You get to know us, and we get to know you.

Don’t just take my word for it, though.

Take a look at what some of our customers have had to say about their experience with our customer service.

Antoine Blanchemaison, a content creator that shepherds other content creators with online courses to help them sell and achieve more, notes how vital the support and features have been to growing his business.

Why choose Podia?

John Burdock, a 3D motion artist who sells digital downloads and online courses, echoes the sentiment.

Why choose Podia?

Min Liu adds that our support team has been helpful for his blood pressure, though I think FDA standards require me to caveat that Podia hasn’t been approved as a treatment for any medical conditions.

Why choose Podia?

Finally, consider Elda Gezalov’s feedback: he says it’s not our platform -- which is great -- that makes us the best choice for creators, but the customer support that goes alongside it.

Why choose Podia?

And you know what? I think he’s right.

So, why choose Podia? Because we’re real people who treat you like you are, too.

#2. Fair, flat, and affordable pricing for everyone

Unlike other platforms, Podia never punishes you for your success by charging you more as you grow.

On all paid plans, you pay a flat monthly fee no matter how much you sell. There are no additional transaction fees.

Why choose Podia?

After all, complex pricing and fees wouldn’t make stories like Rachel Simmons' possible.

Why choose Podia?

You see, like many freelancers, Rachel was once dependent on the word “yes.”

If someone asked her to drop everything and travel across the globe for a job, she had to say that word -- that “yes” -- whether she wanted to go or not. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have a stable income.

But thanks to Podia, she became reacquainted with the word “no” again. She has a living income from her online courses that lets her choose the gigs she wants to take and turn down those she doesn’t.

Gary Friedman likewise found Podia’s straightforward pricing liberating when he came over from Gumroad.

Why choose Podia?

Molly Hahn, too, loves our simple, cut-and-dry price that lets her create online courses without worrying about additional fees.

Why choose Podia?

So, why choose Podia? Because we’re for every creator, from the 99% to the 1%, and we don’t put limits, financial or otherwise, on how and when you grow.

#3. Straightforward, simple, and intuitive design

There are platforms out there with tons of overly complicated features.

And those platforms make wild promises about what their bells and whistles can do -- as long as you’re willing to learn and implement the right combination of codes (such as HTML and CSS), there’s nothing you can’t hack together.

Podia isn’t like that… on purpose.

Those features wouldn’t make it easier for you to sell your products, connect to your customers, or start your online business -- even if you do have the technical skills.

In fact, we talk to creators every day who find those excessive features distracting and feel overwhelmed by them. That’s what Joy Cho’s experience was before she came to Podia.

Why choose Podia?

Amanda Boleyn concurs with Joy’s perspective, highlighting that the ultra-simple user interface isn’t a detractor, but rather a strength that allows you the creator to focus on what matters most -- producing more content.

Why choose Podia?

We built Podia to give you everything you need, and nothing you don’t.

So, why choose Podia? Because it’s built on the principle that an application’s features should be more than just usable -- they should actually be used by the people they support.

#4. Everything you need in one place

Let’s face it -- running an online business is tough enough.

You have products to build, marketing campaigns to run, and a regular circus of “business stuff” to contend with.

The platform you choose should make your life easier, not more complicated.

That's why Podia puts everything you need to build and host your products, run your email marketing, accept payments, and manage your customers all in one place.

For many of our creators, Podia replaces 3-5 different tools.

Why choose Podia?

Why is this better? It’s simple: because orchestrating all of those moving parts together is a lot easier when you can keep them under one roof. That’s what Becky Mollenkamp discovered when she made the switch.

In fact, she saves $720.00 a year in administrative fees by using Podia to keep all of her products in one place. Plus, she recoups and safeguards her valuable time by skipping the rigmarole of logging in and out of multiple applications.

Those may be little time vacuums throughout the workday, but when you’re spending at least 5% of your day-to-day toggling in and out of programs and trying to keep track of their moving parts, it adds up quickly.

Justin Jackson, an entrepreneur and maker who’s pulled in over $100,000 on Podia, noticed a similar sanity and time-saving benefit when it came to putting all of his digital products together.

Why choose Podia?

But they’re not the only ones who have benefited from Podia’s all-in-one approach.

Check out what Jacob Morris had to say about his experience as a first-time creator. He, as you might very well be right now, was frustrated with the challenges of putting together plugins and applications.

Why choose Podia?

As a new creator and first-time business owner, Jacob’s experience was hindered by the overwhelming nature of finding a technical solution for all of his problems, but with Podia, he didn’t need to keep searching.

He, like you, found a solution that fits all of his challenges and made it possible to manage his business efficiently and easily, even as a first-time creator.

So yes, you could scrape together everything you need into a messy contraption of plugins, applications, and Frankenstein-like codes to make them work together..

Or you could put everything in one place and manage it all from the same dashboard.

So, why choose Podia? Because it has everything you need to manage your business, sales, customers, and marketing in one place.

#5. You get more than just a platform: you get a digital home

What’s the first thing that pops into mind when you think of the word “entrepreneur”? For me, I think of this person:

  • Someone who relies on their wits to chart the (literal) unknown.

  • Someone who’s intrepid, adventurous, and endlessly passionate about their cause.

  • Someone who makes DIY look way easier than it is.

But most importantly?

  • Someone who tackles problems alone.

How do I know? Because I work with them. That’s what separates Podia from the pack. Podia isn’t just a platform for creators -- it’s a platform designed with creators in mind, on the team, and involved every step of the way.

And as creators ourselves, we know that you have what it takes to forge your own path.

We also know that it’s a lot easier when you don’t have to, though. That a helping hand at the right moment can make monumental differences in the lives of creators.

It’s why we’re constantly booking thought leaders at the top of their game -- like Joanna Wiebe -- for free trainings that give you the insights and skills you need to keep making strides.

Why choose Podia?

Likewise, it’s why we put together events like Content Creator Day.

Why choose Podia?

Because there’s no question that entrepreneurs are scrappy, creative, and wildly resourceful people.

Just like there’s no question that those resources should be easy to find and even easier to use.

It’s not just the driving motivation behind our community events, by the way. It’s the same reason that we regularly promote our creators on our social media channels.

Why choose Podia?

And why our content on our blog covers every topic from overcoming impostor syndrome to 16 marketing strategies for promoting and selling your online course.

Because yes.

Creators can go it alone.

But they shouldn’t have to, and on Podia, they don’t.

So, why choose Podia? Because our first priority has always been and will always be you, our fellow creators, and that’s never going to change. Never as in not ever. If we find a new way to help you succeed, we’ll do it. No questions asked.

Five reasons and a million possibilities

Instead of going through a bullet-list summary about how our support is personal, our interface is straightforward, and our dashboard keeps everything in one neat place for you, then wrapping it all up with a poignant call-to-action to sign up for a free Podia account.

I want to end this with the same question we’ve asked throughout the day.

Why choose Podia? Because you’re a creator, and we were made for each other.