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Hassle-free migration to Podia

Free migrations are included with all annual Mover and Shaker plans, as well as annual Podia Email plans. Our team will move your products, email automations, and email list over to Podia for you.

Switch to Podia without spending hours (days…weeks?) moving everything over by yourself

If you sign up for an annual Mover or Shaker plan, we can move your courses, digital downloads, products, and customers into your Podia account for you. Here’s what we can move based on your plan:

  • Annual Mover plan: 20 products
  • Annual Shaker plan: 30 products
  • Monthly Mover or Shaker plan + any annual Podia Email plan: 10 products

If you sign up for any annual Podia Email plan, we can transfer the following email information into your account:

  • Subscribers
  • Tags
  • Segments
  • Up to 5 email templates
  • Up to 10 email campaigns

*If you want your products and email list migrated, you’ll need to sign up for a Mover or Shaker plan and an annual email plan.

How to get your migration started

Migrations are done manually by our expert team. Here’s how they work:

Step 1 – Sign up for an annual account

Product migrations are free for all Mover and Shaker plans with yearly billing. Email migrations are free with any annual email plan. You can also qualify for free product and email migrations if you have both a monthly Mover or Shaker plan combined with an annual email plan.

Step 2 – Request your migration

Fill out a product migration request form or an email migration request form to kick off your migration. We’ll ask you some questions about where you’re migrating from, the details you use to access the platform, and what you want us to migrate.

Step 3 – Sign the agreement

You’ll also be asked to sign a short migration agreement outlining our migration terms. No scary legal jargon here, just a simple document explaining what we can and can’t migrate and how we’ll work to make this happen for you.

Step 4 – Sit back and relax

When you’ve completed the request form and the migration agreement, we’ll queue your migration for processing. Once that happens, we don’t need you to do anything unless we reach out with updates or questions along the way.

All migration requests are processed in the order that we receive them.

We’ll give you a time estimate once we get started and let you know the second it’s done. Because we take extra care to manually migrate your data, we can’t offer refunds on the first year of your annual plan.

Quick answers

  • Migrations of products and customers are completely free when you choose annual billing on the Mover or Shaker plan. Annual Mover plans include free migration for 20 products and annual Shaker plans include free migration for 30 products.

    You can also get free email list migrations with any annual Podia Email plan.

    We can migrate up to 10 products if you have a monthly Mover or Shaker plan in addition to an annual Podia Email plan.

  • The number of products we can migrate depends on your plan.

    • Annual Mover: 20 products
    • Annual Shaker: 30 products
    • Monthly Mover or Shaker + Annual Podia Email: 10 products

    With any annual Podia Email plan, we’ll migrate:

    • Subscribers
    • Tags
    • Segments
    • Up to 5 email templates
    • Up to 10 email campaigns

    If you need more products imported, just reach out to discuss pricing.

  • The length of your migration will depend on what platform you are coming from and the number of files your products contain. If you’d like an estimate before signing up, just click the support button at the bottom right of this page or email with the subject “Migration estimate”. You can find more information on the migration process in this support article.

  • If you’re buying an annual email plan, we’ll help you migrate your email lists, tags, segments and campaigns from your existing email service provider (ESP) to Podia for free.

    With an annual Podia Email plan, we’ll migrate:

    • Subscribers
    • Tags
    • Segments
    • Up to 5 email templates
    • Up to 10 email campaigns

    Due to differences between platforms, there might be some differences in what automations we can set up for you. To learn more, you can submit the email migration form here.

  • Every platform is different so it’s unlikely that you will end up with a setup that’s exactly the same as your existing ESP – but we can get you pretty close!

    Data migrated for email subscribers is limited to: First and Last name, email address, and associated tags. We cannot store or migrate additional information such as mailing addresses, phone numbers, or subscriber notes.

    Additionally, we’re unable to migrate:

    • Any custom email designs or templates
    • Tables, columns, or custom code
    • Conditional splits

    For more information on what we can and can’t migrate, check out this support article.