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"Is my lead magnet any good?" 5-step checklist

In Chapter 3, test your free resource against our 5-step lead magnet checklist to see what's working well and what can be improved.

Once you've created your lead magnet, answer the questions in this checklist to ensure you’re on the right track.

  • How could someone make a meaningful improvement to some aspect of their life within 10 minutes of downloading this lead magnet?

  • Why would your audience rate the pain point that your lead magnet addresses as above a 7 out of 10 in importance?

  • What is one major benefit, pain, or technique that your audience will remember and take away from your lead magnet?

  • What about the title of your lead magnet will make your audience stop what they’re doing to sign up?

  • Have you gone through the signup process for your lead magnet yourself, to make sure it looks right on different devices and the confirmation emails all work?

Now that your lead magnet passes with flying colors, it's time to share it. In the next chapter, you'll learn how to add your lead magnet to Podia and create a landing page to capture sign-ups.

Next chapter

How to set up your lead magnet for free in Podia

In Chapter 4, you’ll discover two easy ways to set up your lead magnet in Podia and create a sharable opt-in page.

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