Growing your unconventional business idea and scaling it to the level that you want is no easy feat.

But while blood, sweat, and tears are essential ingredients, there are tools that make reaching your goals as a creative entrepreneur easier.

In fact, there’s one that can make reaching your dreams super simple. 


We aren’t just any all-in-one platform. Our software is designed specifically for online creators who want to turn their passions into income without a lick of coding.

And not only is it code-free, but Podia comes with a ton of other benefits. Today, we'll show you seven ways Podia helps you manage and grow your online business.

Let's jump straight in.

7 major perks for creators on Podia

#1. Manage and sell all your digital products in one place 

You can sell all of your digital products in one place with Podia.

Whether you sell digital downloads, online courses, membership sites, or webinars, our all-in-one platform has you covered and makes it easy.


For one, you don’t have to worry about learning how to navigate a multitude of dashboards. With an all-inclusive platform, there’s a single streamlined dashboard for managing all of your digital products. 

And it’s super simple to use, which is no throw-away perk. According to a Salesforce study of over 2,000 small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), ease of use is the most important factor when evaluating technology.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

The second reason why using a single dashboard is so beneficial is you don’t have to spend time wrestling between different platforms and tools. Getting bogged down in widgets and logins is the opposite of being productive.

And we all know how important productivity is, especially as an entrepreneur or solopreneur with limited resources. Staying productive is the single top priority of using technology in business.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

What Podia can't do is build your products for you. But it can do everything else for you, including helping you manage and sell all of your digital products under one roof. 

So if you’re looking to up your productivity while working from home and cut out the busy administrative work in your day-to-day, you can’t go wrong with us.

But Podia doesn’t just streamline everything for you -- it also cuts out the number of tools overall that you have to wrangle to run your business.

In fact, you can replace nine different tools with Podia, which is our next exclusive perk.

#2. Replace nine different tools with Podia

Podia has you covered for everything you need to run or maintain your online business, including:

  • Your website

  • Email marketing

  • Webinars

  • A blog

  • Sales pages

  • Live chat

  • Membership

  • Your product pages

  • Hosting 

If you’re worried shrinking your toolset will negatively impact your business, don’t be. Here’s why. 

A Deloitte study of over 1,000 SMBs revealed that the top three ways digital tools help SMBs are improving customer satisfaction, reaching new customers nationally, and providing a better service and product. 

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

On top of replacing nine tools, Podia helps you in all three of these ways -- and then some. 

Take the live chat tool, for instance.

The messenger marketing feature hits every metric that SMBs look for in a tool, from improving customer satisfaction to elevating access to business intelligence. 

More specifically, Podia’s live messenger tool lets you keep a constant pulse on both your prospective clients and customers while providing them with a reliable way to reach you when it’s convenient for them. 

It’s convenient for you, too. You’re not expected to personally man your live chat 24/7/365. You can set your status to “online,” “automatic,” “away,” or “disabled,” so your contacts know you’re still on top of it and will get to their request when you’re available.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Plus, because Podia’s live chat tool is available throughout your site, including your product pages, you can service your customers and grow your customer base without ever leaving the platform. 

You can also preload questions into your messaging tool to uncover important insights from your audience for developing and iterating better products and services for them.

Finally, the fact it’s included in your platform means you avoid an additional cost of a third-party messenger tool.

These are just some benefits from Podia’s messenger feature.

And those are just the tip of the iceberg.

Likely the biggest benefit to replacing the need for (at least) nine tools is your cost savings. Regardless of the size of your business, all trends point to increased spending on SaaS products. 

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

30% of a business’s spend on SaaS tools is wasted. For a 350-person company in the US, that translates to an alarming $3,300 per employee in wasted tools. Yikes.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Cutting your tools down means cutting your bills for those tools down. And that can only be a positive thing for your cash flow.

So, you get to save time, money, and maybe even spare yourself a few headaches.

But the best part?

You get to do all of that at scale because Podia doesn’t set limits on your growth.

#3. Grow with limitless products, customers, and more

On Podia, there are no limits. Period.

With each Podia plan, you can: 

  • Upload any file type 

  • Get unlimited video hosting

  • Onboard as many students and clients as you like

  • Sell as many digital products as your heart desires

  • Never pay additional transaction fees

  • Sell and market webinars 

  • And much more

These are all vital factors to growing a successful online business. You need to serve as many customers as possible without having to worry about limitations or additional costs holding you back.

You won’t get that with the Podia alternatives

For instance, do you want to sell more than three products? That’s not an option with Kajabi, which caps it off at three products for the basic plan, 15 products for the growth plan, and 100 for the pro plan.

And even if you don’t have more than three digital products for sale now, you’ll want to give yourself the freedom to diversify your product offerings as you expand and scale your business. 

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

After all, your business will change. That’s inevitable. You’ll eventually have to expand your sales channels, and you need a tool that makes it easy to do that.

So, if you’re a savvy business that sells a wide range of digital products, like in Joy Cho’s Oh Joy! Academy, you can publish all of your digital products without worrying about a cap -- on anything.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

The point here is:

You don’t have to worry about restrictions on your products, hosting, or customers. The sky’s the limit for growing your online business, and you don’t need to pay additional costs as you scale, either.

But it’s not just your products that you don’t have to worry about. Your ability to serve your customers is just as uncapped with Podia’s native live chat tool.

#4. Talk directly with your customers and leads with Podia’s native live chat 

This one is pretty self-explanatory, so we’ll keep it short and sweet. The fourth thing you can only do on Podia’s platform is use a live chat messenger tool that’s already built into the platform. 

That’s right, you don’t need a third-party chat tool to talk with your audience on your site. 

This does wonders for your customer service level. Live chat has the highest consumer satisfaction rate at 92%.

On top of that, you can use your messenger tool to engage prospective clients and use it as a sales tool, which is how 85% of B2B businesses and 74% of B2C businesses use live chat. 

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Plus, it looks pretty sleek. Check out how our live chat looks from the customer side:

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Here’s how it looks on the creator side:

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Nice, right? All you have to do to set it up is choose your branding, set your status, and you’re ready to talk to your visitors, leads, and customers.

On the topic of live chat, you also get constant access to it as a Podia user.

#5. Receive live chat customer support 7 days a week 

The fifth superpower you get with Podia is access to customer support through live chat messenger around the clock.

We take our job of supporting creators seriously, and with that comes a way to support you every day of the week, weekends included. 

So if you’re in a pinch and come across an issue with managing your online business, no matter what day it is, there’s always a team member ready to lend a hand.

Since live chat is the preferred contact channel over any other channel with 46% of customers preferring it to email and social media, we’ve made our support team available to you seven days a week through the live chat messenger on our site.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Plus, live messenger allows us to offer our daily support without you waiting on hold or needing to repeat your issue, two of the most frustrating aspects of getting customer service help.

33% of customers get frustrated by being placed on hold, and another 33% get frustrated by having to repeat themselves to a different support member.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

You won’t have to deal with that with us. Figuring out how to grow your online business comes with its own set of frustrations -- our role is to help make your life as a creator easier, never harder.

But don’t take my word for it. Check out our stellar customer support for yourself by signing up for this 2-week free trial (no credit card needed).

OK, we've talked about a lot of great perks you get on Podia so far, but let's switch gears and talk about a perk that you can only get on Podia next.

#6. Host, store, and sell your webinars from the same platform 

A truly all-in-one platform, Podia understands the need to host, sell, and market your digital products, which is why we’ve added selling webinars to the already-robust list of features. 

If you’re wondering how important webinars are for marketing, I’ll let the numbers talk:

76% of webinars are used to reach more leads, followed by 75% to extend a brand.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Not only are webinars a useful tool for marketing your other profitable digital products, but they can be sold for a profit on their own or bundled with other products.

Powered by YouTube Live and Zoom, Podia lets you do it all. You can host live video sessions, sell your webinars or offer them for free, schedule and sell them in advance, earn passive income from your replays, and bundle your webinars with your other digital products.

To sell your webinar on your product page, just head over to your Products page and click “new product”.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Then, select “webinar,” name your webinar, and click “create & continue”.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

The “instructions” field lets you describe your webinar and provide any details to your customers.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Once you’re ready to publish your webinar, just copy and paste your webinar link and we’ll take care of displaying it to your customers. 

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Like the other convenience factors that come with Podia’s all-in-one platform, the webinar feature streamlines your processes so you can collect emails and signups, market your webinar, and post the replay all in one place.

The bottom line: You can cut costs and technical struggles by using Podia to offer, market, and sell webinars to your audience without a third-party tool. 

Notice, by the way, that I said “your” audience -- which brings us to our final and next exclusive perk.

#7. Own your relationships with your audience

Our final and mighty benefit is simple, but unfortunately, not as common as it should be.

On Podia, you own your customer list and their email addresses -- rather than marketplace platforms or social networks. This is hugely important for managing your customer relationships, including the products and service level you provide them.

For instance, selling an online course on a marketplace like Skillshare requires you to adhere to their specific rules for teachers, one of which is their right to “delete the listing of any class at any time and for any reason”.

Skillshare owns the relationship with your audience and controls the delivery of your products, not you.

This makes it very difficult to maintain an excellent customer service level, something that requires you to know your customers inside out. 

72% of consumers expect customer service reps to know who they are, what they’ve purchased, and have insights about their previous engagements.

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Without owning your own audience relationships, all this info is at the mercy of an outside marketplace or social platform. This doesn’t make the relationship with your customers feel very secure on either side of the equation.

And having a secure and private relationship with your customers is important. 

So much so that 31% of SMBs are most concerned with privacy and security, making it the top barrier to using digital tools. 

These are 7 of the unique benefits of using Podia

Basically, Podia allows you to keep your relationships with your customers, no matter where you go or how your business changes. This not only secures the future of your business, but it also helps you better serve your audience.

Leverage these unique Podia perks to grow your business

Managing your online business, no matter how diverse or expansive your needs, is made simple with an all-inclusive platform that has everything a creator needs to start and grow their business

To recap seven of the unique benefits you get from Podia:

  • #1. Sell any type of digital product, including digital downloads, online courses, webinars, and memberships, using a single platform and website.

  • #2. Eliminate your need for at least nine third-party tools without sacrificing anything in your business. You’ll save time, money, and resources.

  • #3. Don’t worry about limits on anything, whether it’s the number of products or customers. You’ll never have to worry about seeing a limit (or associated pay increase) to the customers or products you bring on board.

  • #4. Use a built-in live chat messenger across your entire site without needing to wrangle a widget to talk to your customers and leads.

  • #5. Get your own live chat support seven days a week, so your business never has to hit pause due to technical headaches.

  • #6. Conveniently host, sell, and bundle webinars with other products without adding another platform into your toolbox.

  • #7. Own your relationship with your audience and data, no matter where you go in your business.

Sound good? We think so too. If you’re ready to simplify your business success, we’re here for you.