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Grow your email list faster with lead magnets on Podia

Deliver lead magnets and opt-in freebies by email — no extra tools or file storage required.

A lead magnet is one of the best ways to grow your email list. You get your customer’s email address — they get a free resource. 

Now, you can offer a lead magnet without requiring people to sign up for an account. They'll get your freebie in their inbox right away, creating a faster experience for people interested in your content and more email subscribers for you.  Win-win!

Read on to learn how setting up lead magnets for email delivery works and when to use this method.

What kind of freebies can I offer in Podia? 

There are two ways to set up a lead magnet in Podia, including a new email delivery option:

  • [NEW] Email delivery: free digital download delivered by email, with no account signup required 

  • Checkout: free product requiring account signup to gain access 

For email delivery:

Set up any digital download product as a free lead magnet without requiring an account signup. This is the easiest way for people to get your freebie — all they need to do is submit their email address (and name, if you choose to collect that information).

Your digital download content can be nearly any type of digital file, including PDFs, video, audio, images, and text files. Plus, you can bundle multiple files together for a single lead magnet.

Get creative with email opt-in incentives like ebooks and guides, templates (for Canva, journaling, social media, planning, etc.), worksheets, CSVs, design elements (themes, brushes, etc.), and more.

For checkout:

You can use any product type as a lead magnet by setting it up as a free product with a checkout process . This requires people to create an account.

The benefits to this method include the ability to offer additional product types (like online courses, webinars, workshops), promote upsells, and ensure long-term access to the product (and any updates) for customers.

Still want to offer a free course without requiring account signup? Create a digital download product with multiple files, and choose the email delivery method. (Pro: easy signup. Con: the student experience isn’t as good as the dedicated Podia course platform.)

How to set up your lead magnet for email delivery

You can set up email delivery in the Pricing settings for any Digital download product type. Under Pricing, select the Free option and then Email delivery as your sign-up process.

Once you publish your product, you can:

Sample Featured section with lead magnet opt-in form on a Podia site

Head to our demo site to see an example of a lead magnet email opt-in form and a lead magnet landing page .

Ready to get building? Check out this help doc for step-by-step instructions and more details.

Don't have a Podia account yet? Start building your email list for free today. 👇


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About the author

Spencer is the Founder and CEO of Podia, a platform that helps creators build and sell online courses, digital downloads, webinars, and memberships to their audience. Sign up for free today.